Allyson Alexander, MD PhD
Dr. Alexander is an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine. I practice at Children’s Hospital Colorado, where my main clinical interests include the surgical treatment of epilepsy, craniosynostosis, Chiari I malformations, and trauma. I spend 50% of my time in the laboratory, where my primary focus is styding focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), a malformation of cortical development which is the most common pathology in surgically-treated pediatric epilepsy. We use patch-clamp electrophysiology, calcium imaging and immunofluorescence to study mechanisms of epileptogenesis using both surgically-resected human tissue and a genetically accurate mouse model of FCD. I attended medical school at UC Irvine, completed my neurosurgical residency at Stanford, and finished my training with a pediatric neurosurgery fellowship at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.